The Marathon of Wishes
One of the most popular traditional events in Sokobanja is the “Wish Marathon”, which offers entertainment, recreation and enjoyment in the natural beauties of Sokobanja, and will be held for the 16th time in a row, on the 7th of September.
The program of the event implies that the participants visit some places, which according to local folklore fulfill various kinds of wishes, and collect coupons, in order to participate in the big prize game. The locations are visited in the following order: “Wish tree” in park „Banjica“ where participants should touch a tree and imagine a wish, “Holly Mother in the rock” where participants write their wishes on a piece of paper, spring „Rujnik“ at the foot of Sokograd, where participants toss a coin and make a wish. Instructors at the mentioned locations give the participants all the necessary details and guidelines on the way to the realization of their wishes. Each participant receives a coupon, which they carry with them and certify at every location with an appropriate stamp, as a confirmation that they have visited the mentioned locations and imagined a wish. The participants have 7 hours on their disposal to visit all the locations, from 10:00 until 17:00. Participants who collect all the stamps can participate in the big prize game. The last destination is Homeland museum in the center of Sokobanja, where participants have to fill in certified coupons with the necessary data, in order to participate in the main prize game, and also have the opportunity to participate in a surprise game and win interesting prizes.
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